So many different thought go through our days when we have so much on our plate, we get put of our element, get worried about things we have no control over, dwell on the past. What we need to do is have more focus.
Give these a try and tackle the day and get the best out of each moment.
1. Change Your Focus
Focus on the things that matter, focus on the positive things, the things that make you feel, good, make you feel strong.. Tony Robbins quoted, “What you focus on is what you feel.” Focus brings you closer to what you want and what you want is to feel good about yourself, so focus on those things.
2. Secure Your Circle
Focus has to be ruthless, so take a look around you. Are the people your most around on the same path and or journey as you? Are they bringing you closer to your goal or further from your goal? This is huge and may be something you have to change to achieve it. I’m not saying get rid of your friends but reevaluate what you want from them and what you can offer them.
3. Take a Self-Evaluation Break
This is a very effective, fun and simple habit. If you spend just two minutes on it every day for a month then it can make huge difference.
Take a deep breath, slow down and ask yourself this question: what are 3-5 things I can appreciate about myself?
A few examples that have come up when I have used this exercise are that I…
How am I making a difference today? Help quite a few people each day in the realm of training, nutrition coaching, writing motivating, mind opening content.
Can make people laugh and forget about their worries? Yes, I’m a jokester
Am very thoughtful and caring when it comes to helping people? I always tend to put others before myself.
They don’t have to large overwhelming things…
Maybe you listened for a few minutes to someone who needed it today as you never know what someone is going through. That you took your kid for a walk to the playground or did yoga with your spouse. That you are a caring and kind person in many situations that may get passed upon.
These short breaks are empowering and not only build self-esteem in the long run but can also turn a negative mood around and reload you with a lot of positive energy again. This is like reloading that empty tank. These were some great tips I got from the book Guerilla Mindset, you surely should spend some time reading this one.
4. Get Some Sleep
This could be numbers 1-5 but for all those saying, ” Sleep When You’re Dead.” You are so far wrong. This is one of the most critical aspects missing to give you full capacity and well thinking. Get as much rest as you can. Sleep deprivation and overloading on caffeine can make it harder to concentrate, effect losing weight, create even more stress. As important as it is to you realize you spend 1/3 of life in your bed. And how much have you spent on your bed will be a big help on your joints, body, concentration and so much more.
5. Take a Digital Detox
Yes, I of all people said that. I know that we are in the age of social media and I do a lot of my work as a fitness professional through those sources, but there are certain times where you need to just put it down and focus on you and yours. You can go through a workout without it actually and you may have the best workout of your life. If you need to use it, put it on “Airplane” Mode so you won’t be bothered. When with friends and family as hard as it is these days try to put all phoned in the middle of the table, focus on who is there and who is around the saying goes, TIME, is the one thing you can’t get back… cherish those moments. With this you will think clearer, feel better, discover more about yourself and notice you may even have better thoughts and productivity.