In July, I did the unexpected. I started to grow out my very first beard… at 30 years of age. Patchy and itchy it was. I contemplated shaving it on several occasions. ‘This ain’t for me I thought.’ ‘I look like a d-bag.’
While I still do play with the thing every 13 seconds of the day, the awkward stage is long gone, and my temptation to shave it has grown into an tight bond. I also feel this strong urge to purchase heavy flannel and bulk up by 10-15 pounds. Although, I bet this thing would look damn good in a suit too.
For me, I’ll just have to wait and see what happens come November/December. But for you, if you’re an original beardsmen, or the new guy, the team over a Beardbrand pulled together this cool infographic to help tip the scale.