As a complimentary piece to “So, you wanna get big?” we’re laying out some foundational hard truths that come with the desire to be ripped to bits and pieces.
1. Face the facts about eating
Low carb, and portion controls. That’s the way it’s going to be. It’s tough and tedious, but the only true way to be effective.
2A. Lift weights
Running. No. Well, you can. But to slash fat even more effectively you’ll have to hit the weights. Three days. Minimum. And it’s going to be uncomfortable at times.
2B. No, seriously, lift weights
There’s two ways you can go at this. The slightly slower process, but for solid long term conditioning. Or a more rapid, short-term solution. The slower process would be to lift for strength and maximum hypertrophy (aka muscle size). The faster process will be to hit the weights in circuits, supersets/compound sets, and complexes to keep the heart rate elevated at all times. Smarter/safer move would be to go the slower process.
3. Managing situations
Work. Girlfriend. Wife… Work, and more work. Workouts need to be scheduled in. Consistency is a a must.
4. Find your baselines
Everyone has them. It takes a little while to get it, but you’ll achieve even more and more awareness of your physical status at all times. You’ll know when it’s OK to cheat. When it’s time to rest. This “balance” people speak of, come after gained awareness.