Finding yourself hitting the gym day in and day out, 7 days a week and not seeing results? Here are 5 of the top points and some important ways to get those dreams reached and goals crushed in the gym.
1. Master the Basics
So many people are focused on the coolest fad or exercise they can do for social media likes and attention. Back flipping into a burpee is awesome for the camera, but have you mastered the amazing movements of your own body as well as that of the barbell?
Proper technique, posture and alignment are vital factors for getting the right muscles firing. Keep your back flat, chest up, retract your scapula, and squeeze your glutes. When you deadlift are you doing these thing? Are you even deadlifting? Be focused and mindful of every movement.
Focus on movements such as Push-ups, Pull-ups, Squats (Front, back, and split), Hinges (Deadlifts and Swings), Stabilization (Planks, Pallof Press), Rotational Work (Cable Chops, Med Ball Wall explosive wall toss). Now, focus on mastering these movements. If you’re program requires you training 3 times a week; train full body, and if its 4 days a week implement a push/pull split. Do this for 8-10 reps to build a base and see what happens.
2. Your Nutrition Is Poor and Or Lacking Quality
You can workout until you’re blue in the face, but if your nutrient intake isn’t up to par you will never lose the fat or gain that lean muscle you want.
Food suggestions:
PROTEIN: Lean meats and beans. (Turkey, Game-bison and buffalo, Fish, Beef, and Pork.)
VEGETABLES: Greens with EVERY meal. (Kale, Collard Greens, Spinach, lettuce, Broccoli, Beets, Asparagus and Eggplant.)
COMPLEX CARBS: Focus on your intake pre and post workout.
Sweet potatoes are lower on glycemic index and doesn’t spike insulin. (Quinoa, Oatmeal, White Potatoes.)
HEALTHY FATS: Nuts or Seeds, Nut Butter, Avocado, Hummus.
FRUIT: Fruit does a great job balancing your energy levels, just pay attention to how much you intake when fat loss is the overall goal, as it can spike your insulin levels. Save it for after a workout.
FIBER: Daily intake is extremely important in promoting movement of material through your digestive system. It also helps to prevent bloating. If you’re starting a new program, track your foods so you have a base line to look back at. You will be in awe at the progress you can make. Try not to over complicate things. Stick to something and let your body feel it out before jumping to the next.
3. Program Hopping
Not seeing instant results? So now you’re spinning your wheels trying to follow this guy’s leg day, that powerlifter’s deadlift day, this Cross Fitters MetCon workout. Find one program, give it time, stick with it and trust the process. Typically 4-8 weeks is the amount of time needed to assess progress.
4. Not Focused
You have these goals, yet when you walk into the gym, park or wherever you choose to exercise, you didn’t bring the proper mindset. You’re thinking about work, your dog, Love & Hip Hop, The Kardashians. You gotta turn that off and have a laser-like focus.
5. Personal Accountability Kinda Sucks
Trying to do it alone will only get you so far. Something I highly suggest is having someone you trust, that you know will help you stay on track, be your accountability partner. It can be through social media, your workout partner, husband, or wife. It doesn’t matter, find that accountability partner and stick with them.
Write your goals down, sign & date it, share it with your accountability partner to keep you committed.
Another great option is to write all your goals down on a piece of paper, sign and date the bottom along with your estimated completion date, have your partner sign it and seal it until the due date.
Having someone that you can always check in with will really keep you motivated as your goals now become their’s as well. Now get out there LIFT HEAVY, and SPRINT OFTEN.