Well, traditional cardio anyway…
If you’re following a basic fat loss program, or losing weight is your goal in general then chances are there’s some type of cardio-training included in the program. Whether it’s intervals or steady-state cardio, after a while things become mundane, boring and you could just want to skip it all together.
Tim McComsey C.S.C.S., RD. provided and demonstrated a great workout to replace those boring cardio sessions. It’s a 5-move, 7-rep, “down-the-ladder” giant set that will boost your strength, endurance and torch fat.
Select ONE weight or amount of resistance for ALL the exercises [5] in the set. Perform all exercises [5] in a row with NO rest in between the movements. Rest ONE minute after completing all of the movements [5] collectively.
SET ONE: 7 reps SET TWO: 6 reps SET THREE: 5 reps SET FOUR: 4 reps SET FIVE: 3 reps SET SIX: 2 reps SET SEVEN: 1 rep
MOVE ONE: Bent Over Row
MOVE TWO: Deadlift
MOVE THREE: Shoulder Press
MOVE FIVE: Good Morning
- Barbell Row
- Barbell Deadlift
- Shoulder Press
- Barbell Squat
- Barbell Good Morning
Variations of this content appear on MENSFITNESS.com and HUMANFITPROJECT.com
top image: Jay Fuertez