- Ready. Set. Go! We’re Making it happen, We’re here! Are you? Swing by the Men’s Fitness Magazine booth at Ultimate Athlete in the Mr. Olympia LLC event.
- Here’s what you missed this weekend in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Men’s Fitness Magazine #UA2013 competition where Team #HUMANFITPROJECT; Mike Simone, Ronald Parham, Johnny Johnson, Tim McComsey, Will Huntington MS, CSCS, Fuel the Movement, Justin Klein CSCS, C Power Fitness, Caleb Valentine’s Fitness Page, Abe Cruz, and Doyle Tonneson was live on location
- The #UA2013 with sponsorship ranging from Gillette through Bodybuilding.com the course was anything short of epic!
- THE MEN BEHIND THE MOVEMENT-The competitors weren’t the only ones working tirelessly; on set Founder Mike Simone and co-partner Ron Parham were ensuring this event was anything short of being great
- Here’s some contestants in action as they test their skills in some of the #UA2013 events.
- n between events; audience members participated in as individuals’ in their own bouts of #fitness going head to head on stage.
- It was definitely all hands on deck as the team greeted and handled not only competing themselves, but actually welcomed the Mr. Olympia LLC guests
- Men’s Fitness Magazine editor and founder of humanfitproject along with teammate Tim McComsey taking some time away from the work for a quick photo opp.
- Our man Will Huntington with the photo opp!
- All of the great work done be-hind and on the scene was definitely made possible by the great sponsors involved: Gillette, Rockin’ Refuel, Body Fortress, Cellucor, Curve Fragrances, Bodybuilding.com and Jorg
- This year’s event was not without “Extreme Action” Former WEC: World Extreme Cagefighting Lightweight champion, Body Fortress athlete, Jamie Varner ran through the UA course!
- The event had everything including some on camera laughs and smiles all weekend long… Bodybuilding.com’s own Lauren Abraham working the mic and conducting interviews. Here she is with #humanfitproject athlete Johnny Johnson in the Gillette Recovery Lounge.
- While the Ultimate Athlete, winner of receives; $5,000.00. The Top Three competitors received a new time piece from sponsor: Jorg Gray.
- Prizes… on top of prizes…
- Another great event comes to an end with the help of all the great guys on team humanfitproject: Mike Simone Ronald Parham, Caleb Valentine’s Fitness Page, Tim McComsey, Fuel the Movement (Jason Martuscello), Johnny Johnson, C Power Fitness, Justin Klein CSCS, Will Huntington MS, CSCS, Doyle Tonneson, and Abe Cruz And more importantly, congratulations to this year’s winners: Mark Sayas (1st place, center), Jason Rice (second place, left center), and Richard Jensen (third place, far left). Gillette